New! Launchpads & Playaways are now available to check out!


Launchpadslaunchpad tablet

  • Sturdy tablets, pre-loaded with educational games for kids
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Internet free--no downloading or Wi-Fi required!

Launchpads circulate for one week, and are shelved in the children's area. Check our catalog for availability.

Visit the Launchpad site for help getting started, or call the youth desk at 802.865.7216.


wonder playaway


  • Plug & play audiobooks--all you need are headphones!
  • Easily portable
  • Five available narration speeds & automatic bookmarking

Playaways circulate for three weeks, and are shelved with/near Books on CD in the Main Reading Room, the children's area, and the Teen Space. Check our catalog for availability.

Visit the Playaway site for help getting started, or call the reference desk at 802.865.7217.

The Library will be closed on Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.